[Here is where I enter in the part that God is still working on the patience thing with me and instead of being a good bible reader and opening my beautiful blue leather bible with my silver name on it I turned to BibleGateway.com]
[I would also like to add in my defense there are several verses that came before the one I chose to share with you all]
[alright! it was only the 20th one and yes I did skim them, okay, but it's still a good verse! lol]
Deuteronomy 32:2
"Let my teaching drop as the rain,My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass."
Now on a day like yesterday when some of us might have gotten a little sunburnt and sweaty at their daughters track meet.....(just me??....well, make it your own then) I can relate to the joy of a shower. How the grass must feel as the rain comes down. I also related to being thirsty as the herb might have been. Either way to read the bible and feel the word touch my soul this way is something I will now think about when it rains. Who else has got a good reminder of happy in the rain?!!!